★ www.wheelsandheelsmag.com / W&HM Staff
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4th Annual ARK Movement Give Love Food Drive Car Show
Ark movement hosted the 4th food drive car show and this is the first car meet we cover in this year. Its a very exciting one particularly because we have several Itasha cars at the show and we have our good friend Jun in our coverage first. It's great to see that his car has a great new shape and wrap we always admire. We always love his choices the manga graphic design and the layout of the whole integration of Japanese culture into his car. He is always in the leading figure of the Itasha culture in Southern California

Happy Car Gathering
And this is a very fun Spring event almost like a leading car show of many to come. There are several different types of cars all showed up in this car show including domestic, exotic, JDM cars, all under the Anaheim overcast weather. It provided a very chill and fun-filled events filled with loud music and happy conversation

Ghostbuster Tribute Showing
One of the highlight of the show is the Ghostbuster movie showing in a way you can say it's a cosplay for the Ghostbuster movie characters and the car and the costume and props come together. It's all presenting a very convincing and fun and well played ensemble display. And the people joined them as well as by the highly propped up Ghostbusters mobile is a sight to behold off.
Great Vendor Presence and a Wonderful Car Show for a Great Cause
We are very happy to see there's a very strong vendor support. For the density there were many more vendors in the ratio to the attendees compared to other shows. That shows a strong support from the vendor communityThere are many lifestyle vendors including clothing decals stickers as well as energy drinks and auto parts all came together. We're very happy to see that this year is to have a great start of the car show season. Today Show signifies a great beginning of 2020 car show season.