Formula Drift New Jersey 2021 Life Expo and Winner Celebration
Our contributing photographer Neil Devera has brought back some of the great highlights of the Formula Drift New Jersey, FDNJ, 2021 event in multiple parts.
Here is the first part of his coverage. At the FDNJ, we can see that there was a huge interest at the event and the long line showed it too. The weather could not be more picturesque, with scattering floating clouds and the temperature was a comfortable seventy plus.
The lifestyle venue has several eye-catching vendors, especially the Army recruiting stand, as well as the toy and merchandise vendors too. There were also opportunities to see the racing cars up close and in detail. It will be covered in the following posts.
After a long day of fierce racing and neck-to-neck competitions, FDNJ, Englishtown event concluded with the top winners of the race: Matt Field top place, followed by Chris Forsberg, and then Fredric Aasbo. The fun celebration was just like the way it has always been before! The Formula Drift series is back!!
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