2022 Sand Sports Super Show is Outdoor Motorsports Enthusiasts' Paradise, and Simply a Wowing Show!
★ On-Location Coverage, Photographed and Reported by Py Pai / IG:
★ W&HM
- Wheels and Heels Magazine / www.wheelsandheelsmag.com / IG
Sand Sports Super Show 2022 is HUGE!!
This is the first time that we attended the grand Sand Sports Super Show. We were not prepared to see what awaited us at the huge show.
We arrived early under an overcast in the sky. Actually, throughout the day, the weather was just perfect for a great outdoor event from the morning to the evening. The sun was peeking in and out of the moving clouds. There were gentle breezes that make the venue-walking experience much more pleasant. It's a great start to the day already!
The parking lot was big, but not empty. Many vendors arrived early to set up their booth presence. It's full of commotions of equipment moving, vehicle passing, and people carrying big boxes and bags for a good big show day.
Sand Sports Super Show is a huge ATV event. Upon entering the venue, one would see rows and rows of ATVs aligned with vendor booths throughout the OC Fair and Event Center in Costa Mesa, CA. OC Fair and Event Center is a no-kidding big size lot that houses many hangers and auditoriums, which were already all full of vendors at the Sand Sports Super Show. The outside spaces were occupied by several layers of deep vendor presences that sprawled almost to the last square feet of the venue.
It's geared toward being a mega-fun event and a totally happy-but-exhausting day ahead.
At 9 am, the flood gate was opened and people could not wait to get inside the venue. The majority of the attendees were family groups. Many with kids that range from little to young adults. It's a lifestyle of these families. It grows in the genes and got passed on through outdoor activities together as well as going to shows like Sand Sports Super Show together.
One thing we noticed is that many people have arm slings on their arms. They are more than any other shows that we've attended. Guess they are badges of honor from the Summer vacation fun that can be brought to schools or work and generate a good amount of buzz.
The Sand Sports Super Show has a very lively vibe across the venue. The music was loud but not annoying, from one corner to the others. The scene was full of people checking out demos or display vehicles as well as many vendor booths.
The show is just both visually and audibly stunning! It's just so much fun!
We've Never Seen So Many ATVs in One Show! ATV Accessories Vendors Too!
Sand Sports Super Show is, simply said, just full of ATVs. We have never seen so many ATVs in a show in our coverage of the 15 years in the past. There were so many different makes and models of ATVs, that it simply cannot absorb all the differences out there. There were plenty of ATVs of different purpose-built uses, customized for performance and versatility, or accessorized to the hilt too.
The major manufacturers were at the show displaying their cool models. including CAN-AM Off Road, Yamaha, Polaris, Honda, and others. It's always enticing to check them out and see what's new and what's coming next year and get one's wallet ready.
Sand Sports Super Show had so many after-market and accessories vendors. One would not have a hard time finding the accessory for their ATVs or trucks, ranging from light poles to loudspeakers to light bars to helmets or even electrical bikes.
If you are serious about ATV accessories, this is the show that should be on your must-go list to get first-hand experience of these parts and additions. Plus, there is knowledgeable staff on-site to help you understand and choose your fun dream products. The sweetest thing is, you might get discounts at this show too!
ATV Stuns Demo was an Awe-Striking Crowd Pleaser
Sand Sports Super Show has a live stun demo that whipped up big smoke, loud exhaust pipe noises, and most importantly the crowd's full attention and interest.
The stunts that they do right next to the Fox Booth course are very cool. There were bumper racks, a jumping platform, and confined but plenty of lot space to show off the prowess, agility, and finesse of both the drivers and their rides. Not only the supermajority of people cannot do what these amazingly skillful drivers do, but the drivers also show the fine controls of their vehicles that was almost like a super experienced cowboy riding their long-time pal horses.
We totally tip our hat, virtually, to these professional drivers and their wares.
Expert and Vendor On-Stage Interviews Were Knowledgeable and Fun! Plus The Carnival Food Vendors!!
At the performance stage of the Sand Sports Super Show, there were constant activities involving interviewing industry experts and knowledgeable vendor staff. It provided a place to take a break from the non-stop interactions at the show. People sat at benches or under the canopy to learn more insightful information, tips, or experiences.
The food vendor presence was huge at the Sand Sports Super Show! They were at several critical spots, serving critical nutrients to much-needed attendees and working staff. The mesmerizing aroma of pizzas, the enticing smell of smoke from the BBQ pits, or the visually back-to-good-old-days hotdog on a stick banner, all gave the hungry families and drained staff a much-needed boost. This is almost like a carnival food scene at the big show.
Ultra Fun Family Event and Outdoor Motorsports Enthusiasts' Paradise
Sand Sports Super Show is a very family-friendly event. We've seen many families having a good time. Often we saw grandparents with parents with kids with grandkids all checking out the same vehicle at the same time, showing a different level of awe-struck. This is such a great Rockwell moment.
Sand Sports Super Show is a super well-organized event. We appreciate very much how much detail and organization were put into this event, making it a very pleasant experience for the attendees, vendors, and us.
We're totally looking forward to next year's Sand Sports Super Show already!
For more coverage photos from the W&HM's in-person coverage, here they are:
Many Many ATVs:

Stun Demo, Crowd Wowing

★ W&HM
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