Cool Cars at Autocon 2015 by Clinton Lum Part 1 @calibre68

Pomona, CA / Photos by Clinton Lum, Text by W&HM Staff
Autocon is one of the major car shows in the southern California car scene.  After they have established thei big brand in the industry, they are refining their image, pursuing a high end and unique car showing, differentiating themselves from the packed car shows and car meets that happen ever weekend here in the so-Cal region.  The strategy pays off with great turn out rate and the attendees got a chance to see some of the rare, articulated, well built cars that you don't see in other shows.  These cars have their characteristics and unique selling points that guarantee anyone attending this awesome car show will get their ticket's worth.

Thanks to our sage photographer, Clinton Lum, he brought us back these cool cars in his first hand captures.  Through his photos, you can see the greatness of the cars as well as the show-offs of the clubs.  This is a four-part series, so kick back and enjoy!

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