A Grand HR View of Formula Drift New Jersey 2015 Captured by Our Newest Contributing Member, Neil DeVera (click to see the full size) |
Grand Highlight of Formula Drift Wall New Jersey Competition 2015 by Neil DeVera
(Editor's Introduction: we are very happy to introduce our newest contributing member, Neil DeVera, who has been covering various car shows and racing competitions in the last 10 years. You can see from his coverage photos, Neil is at tentative to details and in-moment happenings. Many photos reveals his love of cars, drifting, and racing, and show venues and personalities. We look forward to seeing more of his works in the future!)Wall, NJ / Photos and Text by Neil DeVera
"Rain rain, go away. Come again another day” should have been the song for the weekend at the Formula D event held at Wall Township Speedway. Rain was present on Saturday, when it counted, but for Friday’s practice and qualifying, it was all clear and light rain.
Friday’s weather was ideal for practice and qualifying, as the early drivers made their way through the Wall NJ Formula D course. Each driver had their turn to practice and when it came time for the big show, the top 5 were as follows
1. Ken Gushi 93 (46 Style)
2. Fredric Aasbo 93 (44 Style)
3. Justin Pawlak 92 (46 Style)
4. Pat Goodin 92 (45 Style)
5. Kenneth Moen 91 (43 Style)
6. Chris Forsberg 91 (43 Style)
7. Chelsea DeNofa 90
8. Robbie Nishida 89 (44 Style)
9. Ryan Tuerck 89 (44 Style)
10. Pat Mordaunt 89 (42 Style)
At the time of the big show, when all was said and done, the final matches were:
Tuerck vs Kearney and Asabo vs Yokoi. After battling thru the rain and several stops of action to make sure the track was safe for drifting, it was 1) Frederic Asabo, 2) Dean Kearney and 3) Ryan Tuerck.